Our clinics specialize in treating children ages birth through eighteen years with a variety of disorders, including: developmental motor or speech delays, sensory defensiveness and sensory processing disorders, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, children with hearing loss, articulation deficits and others.
Occupational Therapy
We identify and improve difficulties that interfere with the child’s potential to perform functional daily living skills and peer activities.
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is available to children who display delays or difficulties with gait and mobility.
Speech Therapy
Speech Therapy will identify and improve abilities with expressive/receptive language, functional communication skills, and oral motor feeding issues.
Two Great Locations

2795 Pilot Knob Road #100
Eagan, Minnesota 55121

14635 Penock Avenue #300
Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124